The next time you open your LTV cohorts report (or any other customer behavior report with filtering options), be sure to check out the two newest filters: Order value and Discount %.
You can find them in the “Other” category of your filters. Both filters work on a sliding scale, meaning you can set a lower and upper bound on the values you’d like to include in your report.
The Order value filter first order allows you to select only those customers whose first orders were within a specified range of values. The available range on your slider is automatically set by the minimum and maximum first orders in your order history.
A few potential applications:
The Discount % filter lets you select only those customers who applied discount codes on their first orders within a specified range. You can select between 0-100% discounts.
A sample use case:
If you can think of any other filters you’d find useful, you can add them to our feature request page or send us a message at
And keep an ear out for another wave of new Dashboards features launching soon!